Sunday, July 18, 2010

Being a better just 7 days!

I've signed up for a minicourse on being a better blogger. Stephanie Sandifer offered this via twitter and I impulsively signed up. It just happens to be running during a week in which my kids are enrolled in camp, we're all moved into our new (temporary) home, and my new job starts August 2nd. I also thought I needed something besides reading to keep me thinking and learning since I'm missing the Laptop Institute this year and feeling just a touch sorry for myself.

What am I hoping to get out of the course? I'd like to get better at learning how to cut it short and make my point in a more focused way. I think I'd write more frequent entries if I were more succinct. It takes me too long to write and then that de-motivates me to start another entry anytime soon.

I'd also like to learn when to link and when not to bother. How much does it matter?

Related to the above, I'm not much experienced with design, but I know it matters and I appreciate it when others have strong design. Meredith Stewart talks about how "pretty matters" and her blog is a testament to sparse yet lovely design. Her photography and other visual elements really work for me.

I'm sure I'll learn more than this, but that's my initial list. Now back to my reading! Right now, I'm reading Leadership the Outward Bound Way. It's thick, but very readable. I'm in chapter six, which focuses on fear and "learning to cope with those fears and move beyond them into action, rather than letting them limit you."

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